Ramon Llull, Stem Europe Center
Ramon Llull
Stem Europe Center

Born and raised in Mallorca, Spain, Dr. Llull obtained his medical degree with honors at University of Navarra, Spain in 1988. Awarded a Fulbright-Hays Commission Scholarship, he completed Ph.D. studies at University of California, Irvine, defending his thesis “Summa Cum Laude” in cell immunology in 1992. His research on the immunological aspects of musculoskeletal tissue transplantation received the Henry Christian Memorial Award (1991) for Excellence in Research from the Association of American Physicians and was sponsored by both the Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation and the American Association for Hand Surgery. Following a research post-doctoral year at the Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute and a microsurgical fellowship at the Division of Plastic Surgery in Pittsburgh, Dr. Llull obtained a Diplomate from the European College of Transplantation. During his plastic surgery clinical training at the University of Pittsburgh, he was awarded the 1994 young investigator award from the International Transplantation Society, and funding from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation. Dr Llull actively participated in the Pittsburgh’s Tissue Engineering Initiative on tissue engineering projects related to cell and developmental biology of soft tissues. During that time, Katz and Llull discovered adipo-derived stem cells and disclosed intellectual property to select them. He has co-authored more than 60 peer reviewed publications in Plastic Surgery, tissue engineering, cell therapy and cell immunology, holds several US and international patents related to cell related biotechnology and conceived, designed and validated devices, reagents and processes, all related to surgical cell therapy, some of them currently in the biomedical market (Cytori, Revolve® and GID-SVF). He is associate editor of Stem Cell Translational and Artificial Organs and Artificial Organs. Clinically, he served as staff surgeon both at Clínica Planas and Hospital del Mar in Barcelona 1999-2002, when he was appointed Chief of Plastic and Reconstructive Microsurgery at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, in Madrid, Spain until 2010. Since then, Dr. Llull directs the Stem Europe Center in Mallorca, Spain, where he combines his practice (www.plasticamallorca.com) with a Cell Therapy Translational and Clinical Research where he has successfully designed, conducted, completed 7 clinical trials (from first in human to Pivotal phase III) and presented them to the European Regulatory Agencies. Academically, he combines an appointment as associate professor of Plastic Surgery at the University of Balearic Isles Medical School, Spain and also at the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the Institute of Regenerative Medicine, Wake Forest University, NC, USA where he has been awarded the 2022 Wells Fargo Faculty scholar. He maintains a practice in cosmetic and microsurgical breast surgery. Dr. Llull is a founding member of “CellSource” (currently Lorem&Cytori), GID Bio, Ltd (www.gidbio.com), and CellProTech, SLU (www.cellpro.tech). He is proud to be a founding and board member, First President and past Chair of the International Federation for Adipose Therapeutics and Science (IFATS), and remains a passionate physician, a painter and medical illustrator, an indolent sailor, and a shy poet.